Results for 'Charles Émile Delormeau'

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  1.  7
    La logique ou l'Art de penser : ouvrage connu sous le nom de logique de Port-Royal.Antoine Arnauld & Émile Charles - 1878 - Delagrave.
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    Un maître de Calvin, Mathurin Cordier: l'un des créateurs de l'enseignement secondaire moderne, 1479-1564.Charles Émile Delormeau - 1976 - Neuchâtel: H. Messeiller.
  3. Le Problème de la vie.Charles Werner & Emile Guyénot (eds.) - 1951 - Neuchâtel: Éditions de la Baconnière.
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    Letters to the Editor.Barbara Paul-Emile, Kevin Anderson & Gordon M. Charles - 1992 - CLR James Journal 3 (1):2-3.
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    Du sage antique au citoyen moderne.Célestin Charles Alfred Bouglé, Emile Bréhier, H. Delacroix & Dominique Parodi (eds.) - 1921 - Paris,: A. Colin.
    Le sage antique, par E. Bréhier.--L'idéal chrétien, par H. Delacroix.--L'honnête homme, par D. Parodi.--Le citoyen moderne, par C. Bouglé.
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    (1 other version)La philosophie de Charles secrétan.Émile Boutroux - 1895 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 3 (3):253 - 268.
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  7. Montesquieu Et Rousseau Précurseurs de la Sociologie.Emile Durkheim - 1953 - M. Rivière.
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  8. The Theology of Emil Brunner.Charles W. Kegley - 1962
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    God's presence in history: Jewish affirmations and philosophical reflections.Emil L. Fackenheim - 1970 - Northvale, N.J.: J. Aronson.
    Comprises the Charles F. Deems Lectures delivered at New York University in 1968. Discusses the significance of the Holocaust, emphasizing theological issues, and its uniqueness in history. An authentic response to it - religious or secular - is a commitment to the autonomy and security of the State of Israel. Refers to Jewish midrash to explore the meaning and significance of the Holocaust and relates Jewish thinking about the Holocaust to Jewish thinking about earlier catastrophes. Jewish particularism remains a (...)
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    The Continuum Companion to Pragmatism Sami Pihlström, ed.Emil Višvovský - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (2):234.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Continuum Companion to PragmatismEmil VišvovskýSami Pihlström, ed. The Continuum Companion to Pragmatism London and New York: Continuum, 2011, xv + 307 pp., includes index.The scholarship on pragmatism has been burgeoning over the past few decades, and a host of books and papers is being published all over the globe, not only within the US, the country of its origin. One of the results (and motivations) has been (...)
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  11. Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in a Globalized World Sor-Hoon Tan and John Whalen-Bridge (Eds.).Emil Višňovský - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2):321-327.
    The issue of democracy is alive once more. There is a growing number of works debating the current state of democracy both in theory and practice.1 In particular a pragmatist conception of democracy has also been revived. Not only has a Deweyan version of a participatory democracy become the focus but the intricacies of a Rortian version have also come to the forefront, from both sympathetic as well as critical viewpoints.2 Thus the impression that the contemporary world is in quite (...)
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    Avenues of faith: conversations with Jonathan Guilbault.Charles Taylor - 2020 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. Edited by Jonathan Guilbault & Yanette Shalter.
    Discussions on faith and philosophy centered around works by Merleau-Ponty, Holderlin, Baudeliare, Dostoyevsky, and Brother Emile.
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    Montesquieu.Emile Durkheim & William Watts Miller - 1997 - Berghahn Books.
    Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws (1748) is one of the outstanding works of modern social thought. Durkheim's Latin thesis (1892) is not only one of the outstanding interpretations of that work, but also a seminal statement of his own ideas on society and on sociological method. It was the companion thesis to The Division of Labour and a forerunner of The Rules of Sociological Method. This is the first English translation directly from the original Latin text, and also includes the (...)
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    Paideia et Philosophie au Siècle des Lumières.Sébastien Charles - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:15-22.
    Parti d'une formulation maladroite de Rousseau laissant croire qu'il ne s'était rien fait sur le thème de l'éducation des Quelques pensées sur l'éducation de Locke à l'Émile, nous avons d'abord voulu montrer le côté fallacieux d'une telle proposition pour bien faire ressortir au contraire l'intérêt d'un tel sujet au siècle des Lumières, sujet qui mobilise toute l'attention des philosophes. Et cette importance accordée à l'éducation est nettement perceptible sur quatre points, qui sont au coeur de l'articulation logique de notre travail. (...)
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    What undermines solidarity? Four approaches and their implications for contemporary political theory.Charles H. T. Lesch - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (5):601-615.
    Solidarity is crucial for realizing justice, securing public goods, and reducing domination. Yet there have been few theoretical studies of its threats and vulnerabilities. In this paper I fill this lacuna, outlining four approaches to what undermines solidarity and considering their implications for contemporary political theory. I begin by reviewing the empirical literature on solidarity, noting that its focus on diversity and individuation has yielded inconclusive results. I then develop four alternative threats to solidarity by drawing from the history of (...)
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    Durkheim's ghosts: cultural logics and social things.Charles C. Lemert - 2006 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Durkheim's Ghosts is a fascinating presentation of the tradition of social theory influenced by Emile Durkheim's thinking on the social foundations of knowledge. From Saussure and Levi-Strauss to Foucault, Bourdieu and Derrida, today's criticisms of modern politics and culture owe an important, if unacknowledged, debt to Durkheim. These engaging and innovative essays by leading sociologist Charles Lemert bring together his writings on the contributions of French social theory past and present. Rather than merely interpret the theories, Lemert uses them (...)
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    Relativités et puissances spectrales chez Gaston Bachelard.Charles Alunni - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (1):73-110.
    La Valeur inductive de la relativité est sans conteste l'ouvrage le plus méconnu de toute l'oeuvre «philosophique» de Gaston Bachelard. Au silence presque total, à l'absence de lectures, ne répondent que des interprétations du« premier genre», appuyées sur un certain ouï-dire discursif, mais qui font l'autorité des pseudo-standards. Les positions bachelardiennes sont ici confrontées à La Déduction relativiste d'Émile Meyerson. Le poids de l'analyse portera essentiellement sur un dépl(o)iement du dispositif bachelardien d'induction et de construction. L'appareillage « inductif » doit (...)
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    Experience, culture, and reality: The significance of Fisher information for understanding the relationship between alternative states of consciousness and the structures of reality.Charles D. Laughlin & C. Jason Throop - 2003 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 22 (1):7-26.
    The majority of the world’s cultures encourage or require members to enter alternative states of consciousness while involved in religious rituals. The question is, why? This paper suggests an explanation for the culturally prescribed ASC from the view of Fisher information. It argues from the position, first put forward by Emile Durkheim in his magnum opus, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, that all religions are grounded in reality. It suggests that many of the structural elements of cultural cosmologies (...)
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    Le Secret Majorana de la Science à la Légende, et Retour.Charles Alunni - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (1):1-8.
    Il s’agit d’affronter la « figure » d’Ettore Majorana et d’en proposer un premier « profil philosophique ». La question des « fictions » apparaît alors centrale chez Majorana. On établit ensuite la dimension surrationaliste et européenne de ses affinités électives avec Giovanni Gentile Junior. Les deux oeuvres sont restituées dans le cadre d’un mathématisme constructif et inductif (Gaston Bachelard, puis Robert Blanché) qui s’oppose au géométrisme classique (Emile Meyerson) et au pythagorisme spiritualiste (Arthur Eddington).
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  20. Constant, Benjamin 40 Coser, LA 103 Cuvillier, Armand 159 d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henri 30.Charles Darwin, John Austin, M. Bach, Francis Bacon, C. R. Badcock, H. E. Barnes, Robert N. Bellah, R. Bendix, Henri Bergson & Philippe Besnard - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
  21.  13
    Ettore Majorana et la Philosophie.Charles Alunni - 2013 - Revue de Synthèse 134 (1):53-73.
    Il s’agit d’affronter la « figure » d’Ettore Majorana et d’en proposer un premier « profil philosophique ». La question des « fictions » apparaît alors centrale chez Majorana. On établit ensuite la dimension surrationaliste et européenne de ses affinités électives avec Giovanni Gentile Junior. Les deux oeuvres sont restituées dans le cadre d’un mathématisme constructif et inductif (Gaston Bachelard, puis Robert Blanché) qui s’oppose au géométrisme classique (Emile Meyerson) et au pythagorisme spiritualiste (Arthur Eddington).
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    Book Review:Autiobiography of Dr. Robert Meyer Robert Meyer, Emil Novak. [REVIEW]Charles Sellers - 1952 - Philosophy of Science 19 (4):347-.
  23.  55
    Democracy as Culture: Deweyan Pragmatism in a Globalized World.Emil Višňovský - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (2).
    The issue of democracy is alive once more. There is a growing number of works debating the current state of democracy both in theory and practice.1 In particular a pragmatist conception of democracy has also been revived. Not only has a Deweyan version of a participatory democracy become the focus but the intricacies of a Rortian version have also come to the forefront, from both sympathetic as well as critical viewpoints.2 Thus the impression that the contemporary world is in quite (...)
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  24. Hegel and Canada: unity of opposites?Daniel Brandes, John W. Burbidge, Barry Cooper, Susan Dodd, Shannon Hoff, Kenneth Kierans, David MacGregor, Graeme Nicholson, John Russon, Robert C. Sibley, Charles Taylor, Elizabeth Trott & Jim Vernon - 2018 - London: University of Toronto Press. Edited by Susan Dodd & Neil G. Robertson.
    Hegel has had a remarkable, yet largely unremarked, role in Canada's intellectual development. In the last half of the twentieth-century, as Canada was coming to define itself in the wake of World War Two, some of Canada's most thoughtful scholars turned to the work of G.W.F. Hegel for insight. Hegel and Canada is a collection of essays that analyses the real, but under-recognized, role Hegel has played in the intellectual and political development of Canada. The volume focuses on the generation (...)
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    Le moraliste, la politique et l'histoire: De La Rochefoucauld à Derrida.Jean-Charles Darmon (ed.) - 2007 - Paris: Desjonquères.
    Pour qui s'intéresse aux formes les plus subtiles de la pensée morale en Europe, ceux que l'on nomme les " moralistes " brillent d'un éclat particulièrement vif. Le moraliste se présente souvent comme " un anatomiste du cœur " OU un spectateur de la vie, non comme l'architecte d'un système ou le porte-parole d'une doctrine générale. La présente enquête collective est tout entière guidée par le souci de s'interroger sur les significations proprement historiques et politiques émanant de l'œuvre des moralistes. (...)
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    In the Shadow of Emile: Pedagogues, Pediatricians, Physical Education, 1686–1762. [REVIEW]Danièle Tosato-Rigo - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (5):449-463.
    This article takes as its starting point the commonplace that Rousseau’s Emile enabled his contemporaries to discover not only childhood but physical education. Focused on what the pedestal erected for Jean-Jacques somewhat overshadows, a brief historiographic overview and a survey of some major writings on education before Rousseau (by the Abbot Fleury, John Locke, Jean-Pierre de Crousaz and Charles Rollin) will show that the ideas defended by the writer were not innovative in the slightest. But also, and this seems (...)
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    Alasdair MacIntyre: An Intellectual Biography by Émile Perreau-Saussine.Caleb Bernacchio - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (3):557-559.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Alasdair MacIntyre: An Intellectual Biography by Émile Perreau-SaussineCaleb BernacchioPERREAU-SAUSSINE, Émile. Alasdair MacIntyre: An Intellectual Biography. Translated by Nathan Pinkoski. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2022. xvii + 216 pp. Cloth, $40.00This book is the much anticipated translation of the author's doctoral dissertation completed under the direction of Pierre Manent and Charles Taylor in 2000. Manent also contributes a foreword to this edition. Alasdair MacIntyre: (...)
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    Horrible Workers: Max Stirner, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Johnson, and the Charles Manson Circle : Studies in Moral Experience and Cultural Expression.Donald A. Nielsen - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    The cultural logic contained within Emile Durkheim's work, specifically categories he puts forth in Suicide, creates the ground for Horrible Workers. This book is constructed to allow its readers to study the cases of Max Stirner, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Johnson, and the Charles Manson Circle independently of one another or in a comparative fashion. Each case demonstrates in what ways particular social experiences lead to what have been perceived as unique forms of cultural expression.
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  29. Cuvillier, Armand 166 d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henri 33 Darwin, Charles 114 Daudet, Léon 41.G. Davy, M. A. Arbib, V. Aubert, John Austin, M. Bach, Francis Bacon, C. R. Badcock, H. E. Barnes, Robert N. Bellah & R. Bendix - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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  30. Situation, Structure, and the Context of Meaning.Eugene Halton - 1982 - The Sociological Quarterly 23 (Autumn):455-476.
    By comparing some founding concepts underlying developing interest in the role of signs and symbols in social life, such as the nature of the sign in Charles Peirce and Ferdinand de Saussure and in Emile Durkheim and George Herbert Mead, and then exploring recent developments in structuralism and symbolic interactionism, a critical appraisal of their theories of meaning is made in the context of an emerging semiotic sociology.
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    « Les douceurs d’un commerce indépendant » : Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ou le libéralisme retourné contre lui-même.Blaise Bachofen - 2007 - Astérion 5 (5).
    On associe habituellement Rousseau à la tradition républicaine, opposée schématiquement à la tradition libérale. Sans remettre en cause globalement cette thèse, il peut être intéressant de déplacer les termes de la problématique, en présentant la critique rousseauiste du libéralisme comme une critique menée de l’intérieur, plutôt que de l’extérieur. On peut en effet, à l’exemple de John Pocock, identifier un tronc commun aux pensées républicaine et libérale ou, à l’exemple de Charles Larmore, voir dans le républicanisme « une formulation (...)
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  32. Pour une nouvelle comprehension de la démocratie chrétienne.Emile Poulat - forthcoming - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique.
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    En marge de l'éloquence sacrée aux xve-xvie siècles érasme fra Roberto Caracciolo.Emile V. Telle - 1981 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 43 (3):449-470.
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    Un document sur le mécénat de Marguerite d'angoulême, reine de navarre.Emile V. Telle - 1972 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 34 (2):279-281.
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    Lettre de William James à Joseph Segond.Wm James - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 147 (4):535-540.
    William James répond le 19 mars 1902 à la proposition que lui a faite Joseph Segond de traduire les Principles of Psychology. Il l’invite à se mettre en relation avec d’autres candidats à cette traduction et suggère de traduire plutôt le Briefer Course dont il prépare une nouvelle édition.
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    Discrimination and learning without awareness: A metholodological survey and evaluation.Charles W. Eriksen - 1960 - Psychological Review 67 (5):279-300.
  37.  31
    Strands of System: The Philosophy of Charles Peirce.Douglas R. Anderson & Charles Sanders Peirce - 1995 - Purdue University Press.
    The American thinker Charles Sanders Peirce, best known as the founder of pragmatism, has been influential not only in the pragmatic tradition but more recently in the philosophy of science and the study of semiotics, or sign theory. Strands of System provides an accessible overview of Peirce's systematic philosophy for those who are beginning to explore his thinking and its import for more recent trends in philosophy.
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    Color and Consciousness: An Essay in Metaphysics.Charles Landesman - 1989 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Charles Landesman deals with the philosophical problems of perception and with the status of color properties and he comes to the surprising conclusion that nothing at all has any color, that colors do not exist. In making the case for his "color skepticism," Landesman discusses and rejects historically influential accounts of the nature of secondary qualities-such as those of Locke, Reid, Galileo, and Hobbes-as well as the more recent work of Kripke, Grice, and others.Philosophers have debated whether colors are (...)
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    Sociology and Philosophy.Émile Durkheim - 1974 - Simon & Schuster.
  40.  56
    Peirce's Triadic Logic: Modality and Continuity.Brent C. Odland - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 57 (2):149-171.
    In early 1909, Charles S. Peirce conducted a series of experiments with three-valued logic, anticipating the pioneering work of Jan Łukasiewicz and Emil Post by ten years. These experiments are entirely contained within six or seven pages of Peirce's Logic Notebook. Due to the work of Atwell Turquette, the formalisms contained in those pages are relatively well understood. What is less understood are Peirce's philosophical reasons for conducting those experiments. His explanation of the need for his "triadic" logic is (...)
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    Primitive Classification.Emile Durkheim & Marcel Mauss - 1963 - Routledge.
    In this influential work, first published in English in 1963, Durkheim and Mauss claim that the individual mind is capable of classification and they seek the origin of the ‘classificatory function’ in society. On the basis of an intensive examination of forms and principles of symbolic classification reported from the Australian aborigines, the Zuñi and traditional China, they try to establish a formal correspondence between social and symbolic classification. From this they argue that the mode of classification is determined by (...)
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  42. Le Socialisme, sa définition, ses débuts, la doctrine saint-simonienne.Émile Durkheim & M. Mauss - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (4):1-2.
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  43. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life a Study in Religious Sociology.Emile Durkheim - 1915 - Allen & Unwin.
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  44. (1 other version)La Philosophie de Plotin.Emile Brehier - 1929 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 3 (1):40-40.
  45. Individual Understanding. A Layman's Approach to Practical Philosophy.Emile Garcke - 1930 - Humana Mente 5 (18):312-314.
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  46. Paganisme ou Christianisme, Étude sur l'athéisme moderne.Émile Rideau - 1959 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 64 (1):114-114.
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    La haine: Étude psychologique.Emile Tardieu - 1905 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 60:624 - 635.
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  48. An inquiry into symbolism.Emile Cailliet - 1936 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 17 (2):157.
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  49. (1 other version)Why We Oppose the Occult.Emile Cailliet & George Franklin Cole - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 42 (4):494-496.
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    Six philosophes français du XVIII siècle: le vie, l'oeuvre et la doctrine de Diderot, Fontenelle, Maupertuls, La Mettrie, D'Holbach, Rivarol.Émile Callot - 1963 - Gardet.
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